Quote da Semana outubro 13, 2013 Obter link Facebook X Pinterest Email Outras aplicações Personalidade: Kate Winslet I'd rather do theatre and British films than move to L.A. in hopes of getting small roles in American films. Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/k/kate_winslet_2.html#jy3Q7bHwjGcReAXl.99 I'd rather do theatre and British films than move to L.A. in hopes of getting small roles in American films. Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/k/kate_winslet_2.html#jy3Q7bHwjGcReAXl.99 "I'd rather do theatre and British films than move to L.A. in hopes of getting small roles in American films. Comentários
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